Agenda item

18/0553/FUL Lake Hotel, Llangammarch Wells, Powys, LD4 4BS


Grid Ref:                               E: 294723 N: 247624


Valid Date:                           23/08/2018


Officer:                                  Rhys Evans


Community Council:         Llangammarch Wells Community Council


Applicant:                             Mr Pierre Misfud


Location:                              Lake Hotel, Llangammarch Wells, Powys, LD4 4BS


Proposal:                              Proposed managers dwelling for use in conjunction with the hotel (part retrospective).


Application Type:              Full Application


The Principal Planning Officer advised that the address was incorrect on page 5 of the papers.  She referred the Committee to the updates received the previous day and prior to the meeting.


County Councillor T Van-Rees spoke as local representative.

Councillor R Birchall spoke on behalf of Llangammarch Community Council.

Mr G Walker spoke as the Agent.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that the previous consent P/2014/0953 was in respect of an amended plan.   The Principal Planning Officer advised that if the Committee was minded to approve this application a Section 106 legal agreement will be attached to this consent ensuring that it supersedes the previous consent P/2014/0953.


In response to questions the Principal Planning Officer advised that when Development Management had been made aware of the construction of the building in the wrong place in June 2018 officers visited the site.  Officers advised that an application should be made for the development and the developer was advised that they should cease all works and that to continue was at their own risk.  She advised that the developer had a right to seek approval by application.


The Solicitor advised that the Committee should consider this as a new application and should not be influenced by the fact that it is retrospective.  The Committee should consider whether the dwelling is acceptable in the current location. 


The Principal Planning Officer advised that the dwelling was some distance from other properties and it was not considered to directly overlook other properties and there was mature screening.  As a result, there was no loss of amenity or privacy.  Although the current location applied for is the same as the original plan the orientation of the building has changed and it is now considered to be acceptable.  The Principal Planning Officer advised that the dwelling was approximately 40 metres away from the nearest dwelling.


In response to comments the Principal Planning Officer advised that the appropriate consultation had been undertaken and responses had been received from the Community Council.


It was moved and seconded to defer the application to allow officers to attain photographic evidence of the visual impact of the dwelling from all locations and to obtain information about the finish of the exterior of the building.  The motion was put to the vote and was defeated. 



Reason for decision:

that the application be granted consent, subject to the conditions set out in the report which is filed with the signed minutes and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement ensuring that only the development proposed under this application (18/0553/FUL) can be implemented and that a condition be added that permitted development rights be removed. 


As officer’s recommendation as set out in the report which is filed with the signed minutes.


To ensure that only the development proposed under this application (18/0553/FUL) can be implemented.



In order to control further development which has the potential to have adverse effects on privacy and/or amenity in contradiction to policy DM13 of the Powys Local Development Plan


County Councillor D R Price and the Professional Lead for Development Management returned to the meeting room.


County Councillor J Williams moved to the public seating area for the next application.


Supporting documents: