Agenda item

Education updates

To provide Education Updates on the following projects:

·         Additional Learning Needs Transformation Programme 2018-2021

·         Digital Learning



·         Additional Learning Needs Transformation Programme 2018-2021

·         Digital Learning Project – Scope Brief



·         An overview of the Transformation Programme was given

·         A Programme Manager and Programme Officer have been appointed and are expected to take up post in late September 2018

·         Two stakeholder events took place in May which had been well attended by professionals.  Members asked what officers had learned from these events.  Although nothing new had been brought to officers’ attention, the events had been appreciated as an opportunity to engage.

·         The programme was moving into Phase 4 which had 8 work streams – the first six of which are aligned to the Welsh Government:

o   Individual Development Plans (IDP)

o   Avoiding disagreements

o   0-5 years of age

o   16-25 years of age

o   Parental Engagement

o   Workforce Development

o   Specialist Centres

o   Pupil Referral Units/Alternative Learning

·         The Welsh Government Advisor has commented favourably on progress to date and the Powys model will be used as a model of good practice

·         The Committee questioned what changes would be visible in schools – the biggest change was in the age range which would be extended from 0 – 25 years of age from the current 5 to 16 years of age.  The Welsh Government’s new Code of Practice will be statutory. Within schools there will be a move away from statements to Individual Development Plans.  School Action and School Action+ will no longer exist.  The Welsh Government have still to issue guidance on how this will be implemented and further action is pending awaiting receipt of this guidance.

·         Schools were to be responsible for working with Health Authorities which had raised some concerns – Members were informed that the Welsh Government are to ensure that each Health Authority will employ a Designated Education Officer who would have oversight.  The most appropriate professional working with a young person will lead on their IDP but it is still unclear how this will be implemented

·         It had been reported that money had been allocated to progress the review and Members sought clarity on how much had been allocated to Powys.  No money had been allocated to date.

·         Would there be one ALN Co-ordinator per authority or cluster or region?  Each school currently has an ALN Co-ordinator but they do not have to be a qualified teacher.  The role will become statutory under the new Code of Practice and will have to be a qualified teacher.  There will be further discussions on age ranges and whether there may be a consortium or cluster ALNCo for 3yr+ settings.  These costs will be met from schools delegated budgets and not central support services.  This element is being addressed through the Fair Funding Formula Review that is currently taking place.

·         The ALN Manager confirmed that IDPs were on track and that Powys was further ahead in the process than other authorities

·         Members questioned how effective collaboration was – the Welsh Government have made it clear that all bodies taking part must collaborate and are implementing compliance arrangements on health authorities

·         It was acknowledged that other health authorities had children in Powys and that some Powys children came under the jurisdiction of other Health Authorities – different systems were in place and England was subject to a different set of standards.  However, despite the challenges, it worked well.

·         There were difficulties in recruiting Welsh speaking educational psychologists.  Members were disappointed to learn that a recent successful applicant had withdrawn following a job offer

·         The officer was commended for the production of a fact sheet and it was suggested that this should also be made available in braille etc as well as in pictorial form for younger children to access

·         It was noted that two new appointments had been made and whether these were additional staff.  These were additional appointments and funded by money allocated by Cabinet.

·         In considering the two new work streams relating to 0-5 years and 16-25 years Members asked for further information:

o   0-5 – this will be led by the Challenge Adviser and will cover settings, provision for all, work with Health Visitors etc

o   16-25 – this will be led by the Principal Educational Psychologist and will include digital learning, virtual learning but will only be for further education students and not higher education students

o   Both streams will be considered in detail as the programmes are new

·         It was suggested that digital technology should be embraced by the authority to enhance a range of services the Council can offer across a number of services

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