In relation to the County Councillors in
promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct
by Members (including church and parent governor
assisting Members (including church and parent
governor representatives) to observe the Members’ Code of
advising the Council on the adoption or revision of
the Members’ Code of Conduct;
monitoring the operation of the Members’ Code
of Conduct;
advising on training or arranging to train
Councillors, co-opted members and church and parent governor
representatives on matters relating to the Members’ Code of
granting dispensations to councillors, co-opted
members and church and parent governor representatives from
requirements relating to interests set out in the Members’
Code of Conduct;
dealing with any reports from a case tribunal or
interim case tribunal, and any report from the Monitoring Officer
on any matter referred to that officer by the Public Services
Ombudsman for Wales;
overseeing the Council’s whistle-blowing
providing advice to individual Councillors on such
issues as the treatment of personal interest and on conduct matters
determining appropriate action on matters referred
to it by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales;
overseeing the Register of Interest of Members,
Co-opted members and Church and Parent Governor Representatives and
overseeing the Council’s rules and protocols
on accountability of members;
overseeing the attendance of Members and Co-opted
Members at relevant meetings;
monitor the training of Members serving on Member