Venue: By Zoom
Contact: Katharine Flanagan-Jones Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive apologies for absence. |
Disclosures of interest To receive any disclosures of interest by Members relating to items to be considered at the meeting. |
Declarations of Party Whip To receive disclosures of prohibited party whips which a Member has been given in relation to the meeting in accordance with Section 78(3) of the Local Government Measure 2011.
(NB: Members are reminded that under Section 78 Members having been given a prohibited party whip cannot vote on a matter before the Committee.) |
Alternative Budget To receive and scrutinise an alternative budget, if required. |
Scrutiny Recommendations Committee to discuss and confirm recommendations to Cabinet. |
Committee Reflection Following the close of the meeting the Committee is asked to spend 5 to 10 minutes reflecting on today's meeting. |