Venue: By Zoom
Contact: Rachel Pugh - Scrutiny and Democratic Support Officer 01597 826496
No. | Item | ||||||||
Apologies To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies received: County Councillors: K Lewis, P James, C Masefield, G Mitchell
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interests by Members relating to items to be considered at the meeting. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest by Members relating to items to be considered at the meeting. |
Declaration of Party Whips To receive disclosures of prohibited party whips which a Member has been given in relation to the meeting in accordance with Section 78(3) of the Local Government Measure 2011.
(NB: Members are reminded that under Section 78 Members having been given a prohibited party whip cannot vote on a matter before the Committee.) Minutes: The Committee did not receive any disclosures of prohibited party whips which a Member has been given in relation to the meeting in accordance with Section 78(3) of the Local Government Measure 2011. |
Quarter 3 Performance PDF 184 KB To receive and consider the 2023/24 Quarter 3 Performance Report. Additional documents: Minutes: General: · The Corporate and Strategic Equality Plan known as ‘Stronger, Fairer, Greener’ the priority work for the Council driven by the Cabinets works programme and ambitions and sets out three wellbeing objectives and provides the actions to deliver them. · The purpose of the Plan was to present the wellbeing priorities for 2023-2027. It was important to note that the plan did not cover the full work of the Council as services compile and monitor individual service improvement plans. · Each wellbeing objective progress was monitored and tracked, with outcomes provided from a results-based accountability approach. · The sustainable principle showed long term involvement, prevention, collaboration, and integration. · An engagement overview demonstrated activities carried out throughout the quarter. · Assurance was given that targets were challenged and analysed at a service level and through service performance meetings with Directors and Portfolio Holders. It was noted that some targets were statutory. · More detailed explanatory commentary would provide clarification around the reasons for why measures were at certain levels or why no data had been specified.
Committees Comments: · Appreciation was shared for the significant amount of data provided in the report and the hours taken to provide such a substantial report. · The overall picture provided in the report for a scrutiny audience did not provide enough statistical information for both service and geographical areas. And suggested that Individual security committees could carry out deep dives into certain areas of concern. · A form of reflection could be developed to ensure full awareness of the target audience, which was to be fully considered, · It was asked that the Council were mindful of who the report would be available to and ensure it was effective for readability and meaningfulness. · The report was a work in progress and still in the development stages, however it was noted that more developed data was being provided for each quarter. · It was asked that all wider learning could be shared with scrutiny committees and the whole Council. · The scorecard held a significant amount of data but could be used more effectively. It was important that the report was balanced, useful and meaningful. Statements within the report were not backed up with evidence on occasion and difficult to acknowledge fully. · The information in the measures section triggered more questions which led the reader to the commentary which was useful and helpful.