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No. | Item |
Application for a variation of a premises licence Application made by the Church Council of St. Mary’s Church Hay on Wye in repect of the premises licence for The Parish Hall, Lion Street, Hay On Wye, Powys, HR3 5AD. |
Sub-Committee procedures To receive introductions by the Chair and other participants and an explanation of the Sub-Committee’s procedures by the Clerk/Solicitor. Minutes: The Chair apologised for the delayed start due to technical difficulties. The Chair, Sub-Committee members, officers and speakers introduced themselves.
The Clerk to the Sub-Committee explained the procedures to be followed by the Sub-Committee.
Application to vary a licence Additional documents: Minutes: Premises – The Parish Hall, Lion Street, Hay On Wye, Powys, HR3 5AD Applicant – The Church Council of St. Mary’s Church Hay on Wye – represented by Mr S Pritchard and Mr J Boyd-Green
Mrs R Firman - objector
The Licensing Officer presented the Licensing Authority’s position as outlined in the report [copy filed with the signed minutes]. He advised that Environmental Health had requested that the licensing hours should be to 2300hrs and the applicant had agreed to this. The Sub-Committee noted that events at which alcohol was sold had been held under Temporary Events Notices. There were no questions for the officer.
Mr Pritchard advised that the change to the licence would make the Parish Hall more appealing to people running events. The Parish Hall is a large building and the Church Council would like to maximise its use. He advised that last year during bad weather the pop-up market stalls could not move into the Hall as it was not licenced for this. Mr Boyd-Green advised that there had not been any trouble at any event held at the Hall. Five events had been held during the previous week during Hay Festival, but this number was unusual, with normally less than one event per month being held. The Church Council wanted to make the booking system easier to manage and easier for event organisers. They would like to have one event per month which would raise more money for the Hall.
In response to questions from the Sub-Committee Mr Boyd-Green advised that the outside space was used for pop-up market stalls. Alcohol could not be sold out there but could be consumed. He advised that if this was a major concern then they did not object to this area being removed from the licence. He indicated that live bands would not perform from this outside space. He advised that if the Hall was booked for a private party, the general public would not have access to it. If a fund raising event was held the general public would then have access. During the events the previous week one person had come to the Hall to advise that the music was too loud.
Mrs Firman advised the Sub-Committee that the Parish Hall was a great community asset and she and her husband supported its increased use and did not object to the sale of alcohol. She advised that the proposed changes to the licence could cause a public nuisance. There main were the following: · The volume of noise from the Hall should be mitigated by the doors and windows being kept shut during events · Windows should be replaced with double glazing · Hirers bring their own sound system and someone from the Church Council should check the noise levels · The licenced area should not cover the forecourt area during the evenings · A policy should be imposed that no drinks should be taken outside, so reducing the noise as much as possible. In response to a question Mrs Firman ... view the full minutes text for item 1.b |