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No. | Item |
Review of a premises licence |
Sub-Committee procedures To receive introductions by the Chair and parties present and an explanation of the Sub-Committee’s procedures by the Solicitor. Minutes: The Chair and all those present introduced themselves.
In addition to the Sub-Committee members the following were present:
Powys County Council: Mrs N Jones, Licensing Team Manager and Ms R Mole, Solicitor and Clerk to the Committee
Applicant for the review - Mr P Bufton, Senior Environmental Officer, Powys County Council
Log Cabin - Mr G Jones, Solicitor, Dilwyns Solicitors representing Mr K Sanders, Licence Holder Mr K Sanders, Licence Holder
Responsible Authority - Mr R Bowen, Licensing Officer, Dyfed-Powys Police
Public / Interested parties - Mrs A Murdock, owner of The Hotel Commodore
The Clerk to the Sub-Committee explained the procedures to be followed by the Sub-Committee.
To consider a review of the premises licence for the Log Cabin, Llandrindod Wells. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Licensing Team Manager advised that Environmental Protection had submitted an application for a review of the licence as a result of an investigation into noise complaints at the Log Cabin, Llandrindod Wells and she referred to her report. The Sub-Committee were required to take such steps considered necessary for the promotion of the licensing objectives and she explained the options available to the Sub-Committee.
The Senior Environmental Protection Officer advised that a complaint had been received from the owners of the Hotel Commodore and he explained the actions taken by the Environmental Health Officer [as detailed in Annex C]. As a result of receiving the noise log from the Hotel a noise monitoring kit was placed in Room 12 in the Hotel between 27 October 2023 and 7 November 2023. The kit automatically takes a noise level every second and when a button is pressed on the kit an audio recording is made. The audio recording was activated by the Hotel owner. Loud noise levels were recorded on several occasions between the hours of 00:00 and 03:00 and supported the noise log. The decibel readings were between 40 and 60dBA. The Officer played a number of these recordings to the meeting. He advised that The World Health Organisation recommends night time noise levels to be below 30dBA and that an increase of more than 10dBA from the background noise level would generate complaints. The Senior Environmental Protection Officer advised that the background noise level in the area was 19 – 20dBA and so the noise from the Log Cabin was a significant increase and an occupant of the room in the Hotel Commodore would not expect to sleep. He indicated that noise levels could be controlled by restricting the Log Cabin’s use of the outside area and ensuring the doors are kept closed from 00:00.
In response to a question Mrs Murdock advised that the when the recordings were made the window was closed and it has secondary double glazing.
Mr G Jones spoke on behalf of Mr Sanders the Licence Holder and gave the history of the ownership and management of the Hotel Commodore and Log Cabin. He advised that a lot of the noise comes from areas outside the Log Cabin’s control as it is situated in the middle of the town and noise comes from other premises and businesses, including the Hotel Commodore and suggested that noise has been an issue for years. He advised that the outside tables have been used since 2013 and not since Covid as stated by Mrs Murdock. He noted that Mrs Murdock had advised that the hotel room had secondary double glazing. He also noted that the owner of the Portland House B&B did not raise any issues regarding noise levels. Mr Jones referred to the offer made by the Licence Holder regarding changes to the licence. In response to a question from the Senior Environmental Protection Officer he advised that on receiving the letter from the Environmental Health ... view the full minutes text for item 1.b |