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No. | Item |
Application for premises licence |
Sub-Committee procedures To receive introductions by the Chair and an explanation of the Sub-Committee’s procedures by the Principal Solicitor. Minutes: The Chair introduced the Sub-Committee and its Clerk.
The Clerk to the Sub-Committee explained the procedures to be followed by the Sub-Committee.
To consider an application for a licence for the playing fields area of Ystradgynlais RFC, Ynyscedwyn Road, Ystradgynlais, Powys.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Premises – The Playing Fields area of Ystradgynlais RFC, Ynyscedwyn Road, Ystradgynlais, Powys
Applicant: Mr J Lewis-Hyndam, Solicitor representing the applicant and Mr T Davies, Chairman Ystradgynlais Rugby Football Club
Objectors: Mrs L Lloyd, Mrs M Davies [also representing Mr C Morris], Ms C Northey and Mrs E Northey Supporter: Mr M Thomas
The Licensing Officer presented the licensing authority’s position as outlined in the report [copy filed with the signed minutes]. Mrs Lloyd advised that some pages of the application were missing from the Agenda pack and this was only rectified when she raised the issue. The Licensing Officer apologised and advised this was an administrative error. The application form was double sided but had only been scanned one sided. He advised that a revised pack including all the pages had been distributed to all parties.
In response to a question from a Sub-Committee member the Solicitor advised that the Sub-Committee should only consider the application before it and not consider how the site is used during the rest of the year.
Mr Lewis-Hyndman spoke on behalf of the applicant. He advised that none of the responsible authorities had objected to the application. The applicant had agreed to additional conditions and to amend the application in light of comments from the responsible authorities, details of which are included in Annex C. He advised that in response to issues raised by objectors, the applicant would move the location of the portable toilets from Ynyscedwyn Road and the residential area. The applicant would also move the orientation of the stage so that it faced away from Ynyscedwyn Road. In respect of car parking, there were two car parks with 60 or 70 spaces in each. The residential road would be cordoned off so stopping people parking in this area and this would be marshalled. A detailed Events Management Plan would be submitted to the Licensing Authority. He advised that the income from an event such as the Ystrad Festival enabled the Club, which was a not for profit organisation, to invest the funds into the Club and clubs for children.
In response to questions from the Sub-Committee Mr Lewis-Hyndman advised that if a licence for 3 events were approved it could give the applicant some flexibility with dates and also holding one off events. The Ystrad Fest is usually held in June. If the application is approved, it will be held in August 2023 and then again in June 2024, so that would be two events in one year of the licence. Mr Davies advised that events usually finish at 10pm, so finishing at 11pm is acceptable. He also advised that off sales were not of any relevance.
In response to questions from the objectors Mr Davies advised that Ynyscedwyn Road would be coned off and marshalled, so that people could not leave their cars there overnight on the residential road. Cars could be left in the two car parks. He advised that the portable toilets would be moved away from ... view the full minutes text for item 1.b |