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Contact: Carol Johnson 01597 826206
No. | Item | ||||
Application for premises licence |
Sub-Committee procedures To receive introductions by the Chair and an explanation of the Sub-Committee’s procedures by the Principal Solicitor. Minutes: The Chair introduced the Sub-Committee and its Clerk.
The Clerk to the Sub-Committee explained the procedures to be followed by the Sub-Committee.
Application for a licence To consider an application for a licence from Caffi Y Gaer, Brecon. Additional documents:
Minutes: Premises – Caffi Y Gaer, Glamorgan Street, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7DW Applicant – NPTC Group of Colleges represented by Mr M White
Mrs L Jack - objector
The Licensing Officer presented the licensing authority’s position as outlined in the report [copy filed with the signed minutes]. He advised that the Licensing section was happy with the consultation undertaken by the applicant. The Sub-committee noted that the application hours requested are outside the current planning permission and that a planning application has been submitted to Brecon Beacons Park Authority. The applicant has advised that they would be happy to amend the licensing hours to fall in line with the new planning permission if granted.
Mr White advised that mini bottles of wine and bottled beers would be served and no draught beer would be available. People using the café could purchase alcohol and the licence would enable functions held in the library, college or museum to serve alcohol. He confirmed the location of the Café within the building.
Mrs Jack advised that her main objection was the littering outside the building and also the possible anti-social behaviour. She was concerned that a library, museum and college were not suitable places for selling alcohol. In response to a question she confirmed that the littering was in the garden area.
In summing up Mrs Jack advised she was concerned with littering outside in the garden and behind the building and also the possible anti-social behaviour. Alcohol would be available all day and not just for events.
Mr White acknowledged the problem of littering outside the building, which existed prior to the involvement of the College. He advised he was working with the Library staff to resolve the issue and hoped they could also work with the Museum on this issue. He said the College was trying to increase the use of the building by the people of the town. The College and Library are trying to engage with the young people regarding anti-social behaviour.
The Sub-Committee withdrew to consider, in private, the application and the evidence they had heard, with the support of the Clerk.
On their return the Chair announced their decision. In reaching the decision members took into account the relevant written and verbal representations.
The Chair thanked all for attending.