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No. | Item |
Application for premises licence |
Sub-Committee procedures To receive introductions by the Chair and an explanation of the Sub-Committee’s procedures by the Principal Solicitor. Minutes: The Chair, Sub-Committee members, Clerk and Senior Licensing Officer introduced themselves.
Application for a licence - Country Kitchen, Pegasus Lane, Brecon To consider an application for a licence from Country Kitchen, Pegasus Lane, Brecon. Additional documents:
Minutes: Premises – Country Kitchen, Pegasus Lane, Brecon Applicant – Mrs Sarah Ann Davies and Mrs Catrin Price
The Senior Licensing Officer presented the licensing authority’s position as outlined in the report [copy filed with the signed minutes].
The applicants explained they had been operating under Temporary Events Notices [TENS] which had allowed them to have alcohol sales in the shop over the Christmas period. They were in contact with the Brecon Beacons National Park Planning Authority and if planning permission is approved the bistro/function room area on the first floor would hold 20 people and they would use a pre-booking system. They had spoken to neighbours about their plans.
In response to questions from the Sub-Committee the applicants confirmed that they had spoken to their neighbours and these had all been supportive of their proposals. They advised that they had not been able to speak with the objector.
The Sub-Committee noted that the objector was not in attendance.
The Sub-Committee withdrew to consider, in private, the application and the evidence they had heard, with the support of the Clerk.
On their return the Chair announced their decision. In reaching the decision members took into account the relevant written and verbal representations.
RESOLVED to grant the application as submitted by the applicant without modification, with the exception of the inclusion of mandatory conditions made under Section 19, Licensing Act 2003 (Supply of Alcohol).
The Clerk to the Sub-Committee advised that he would confirm the decision in writing and reminded parties of their right to appeal.
The Chair thanked all for attending.