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No. | Item |
Application for premises licence |
Sub-Committee procedures To receive introductions by the Chair and an explanation of the Sub-Committee’s procedures by the Principal Solicitor. Minutes: The Chair introduced the Sub-Committee and its Clerk.
The Clerk to the Sub-Committee explained the procedures to be followed by the Sub-Committee.
Application for a licence To consider an application for a licence from the Village Sports Bar, Abercrave. Additional documents:
Minutes: Premises – Village Sports Bar, Abercrave Applicant – Mr P Bushnell Supporter - Mr G Thomas Objector – Mrs J Williams
The Senior Licensing Officer presented the licensing authority’s position as outlined in the report [copy filed with the signed minutes]. She advised that County Councillor Sarah Williams had sent her apologies and had advised that she supported the application.
Mr Bushnell advised that he did not intend to open on weekdays but was advised to apply for these times to make the hours standard. He stated that if he wanted to open for different hours, he was happy to apply for a temporary licence. He understood why the hours stated on the application had caused concern to the local residents. He noted the concerns raised by a neighbour about the impact on their garden being overlooked and he was happy to erect a screen to address this. He acknowledged the concerns of the school but advised that the only day the premises would be open on a school day would be Fridays from midday and he was happy to stipulate that alcohol should not be taken outside.
In response to a question Mr Bushnell advised that he had not held a premises licence before, but he had previously held a personal licence. He clarified the frequency of tournaments as being 4 or 5 times a year and that these would be held at weekends.
Mr G Thomas supported the application stating that the facility would be a great asset to the village.
In response to the Solicitor’s question regarding activities outside the premises Mr Bushnell advised he was happy to agree conditions the Licensing Officer and Sub-Committee felt were appropriate.
Mrs Williams questioned the impact of the large number of visitors to a tournament and asked how the parking needs would be met. Mr Bushnell advised that the club has 23 parking spaces and he had agreed with the landlord that if he advised them of tournaments in advance, they would allow him to use their designated 5 spaces. He would also promote car sharing and advise participants that parking was limited in the area. He also hoped to work with other sports premises in the area to see if parking and their facilities could be used on tournament days.
As the Chair of School Governors was unable to access the meeting her statement was read out.
Mrs Williams advised that clarification of the proposals had been helpful as the licensing hours applied for seemed to be outrageous. She was concerned about the impact of inappropriate behaviour due to alcohol abuse and the impact on vulnerable people, the consumption of alcohol near a school and during school hours. In response to questions from the Sub-Committee she advised that the back of the premises was at the back of the school and the premises could be seen from the school grounds and so would be visible by pupils using the grounds.
In summing up Mrs Williams advised she had made ... view the full minutes text for item 1.b |