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Contact: Carol Johnson 01597 826206
No. | Item |
Application for premises licence |
Sub-Committee procedures To receive introductions by the Chair and an explanation of the Sub-Committee’s procedures by the Solicitor. Minutes: The Chair introduced the Sub-Committee and its Clerk.
The Clerk to the Sub-Committee explained the procedures to be followed by the Sub-Committee.
Application for a licence To consider an application for a licence from Co-operative Group Food Ltd for Co-operative, High Street, Crickhowell NP8 1BW. Additional documents: Minutes: Premises – Co-operative, High Street, Crickhowell NP8 1BW Applicant – Co-operative Group Food Ltd represented by Mr R Arnot, Solicitor and Mr J Morris, Area Manager. Objector – Mr D Christy, Community Councillor, Vale of Grwyney Community Council
The Licensing Officer presented the licensing authority’s position as outlined in the report [copy filed with the signed minutes]. He advised that the Licensing section was happy with the consultation undertaken by the applicant.
Mr Arnot spoke on behalf of the applicant. He advised the Sub-committee that it was hoped the store would open in November. The Co-op was a risk adverse organisation. He explained the training for new staff on their responsibilities in respect of the sale of alcohol, how they are “buddied” with a more experienced member of staff, that they are not allowed to sell alcohol until the store manager is satisfied that they can do this within the law. He advised that staff also receive two refresher courses each year. He stated that the store will have CCTV, staff will use the Challenge 25 system and the tills automatically remind staff to check alcohol sales. Team Leaders also receive advanced training. He advised that the police had no objections and had not requested any conditions. In addition, the local PC had not identified any crime and disorder issues.
Mr Arnot referred to the objections and advised the Sub-committee that the Spar was already in a location near the school and operated longer hours than those applied for by the Co-op. He also advised that the school had not raised any objections to the application. In respect of Sunday Trading Law, this only applies if the trading area is over 280sq. metres. Although the total store area is 293sq. metres, the trading area is 217sq. metres and so the Sunday Trading Laws do not apply to this application. He advised that if a member of staff was to sell alcohol to a child they would be sacked, as their action would let the Co-op down and its members.
In a response to a question from the Sub-committee regarding the store size he confirmed that the Sunday Trading Law only refers to the retail sales area of a store and this was 217sq metres, which was below the level for the former. Mr Morris in response to a question advised that a manager had not been appointed but they would like to appoint someone from the local/surrounding area.
Mr Christy questioned the size of the trading area, which in the planning application had been stated as 293sq. metres, but now Mr Arnot had stated as being 217sq. metres. Mr Arnot confirmed that the trading area of 217sq. metres was what needed to be considered when considering Sunday trading Laws. The Clerk to the Committee advised that the Sub-Committee could only consider licensing issues and any issues regarding the planning application and related planning permission should be taken up outside of the meeting with the relevant planning authority.
Mr Christy spoke ... view the full minutes text for item 1.b |