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Contact: Carol Johnson 01597 826206
No. | Item |
Application for premises licence |
Sub-Committee procedures To receive introductions by the Chair and an explanation of the Sub-Committee’s procedures by the Principal Solicitor. Minutes: The Chair introduced the Sub-Committee and its Clerk.
The Clerk to the Sub-Committee explained the procedures to be followed by the Sub-Committee.
Application for a licence To consider an application for a licence from 4 Seasons Country and Leisure Park, Trefeglwys, SY17 5QZ. Additional documents:
Minutes: Premises – 4 Seasons Country and Leisure Park, Trefeglwys, SY17 5QZ Applicant – Mr J Williams and Mrs L Hughes
Objector – Mr T Kelly
The Licensing Officer presented the licensing authority’s position as outlined in the report [copy filed with the signed minutes].
Mr Williams advised that they had developed a new holiday complex and a 5* bar and restaurant. The complex would be a place for peace and tranquillity. They had no plans for recorded music. They noted that Environmental Health had not objected to the application and they had met with the police’s licensing officer who had not raised any objections and CCTV would be operational around the Park. In response to questions from the Sub-Committee regarding noise, he advised that staff in the bar would manage noise levels with the bar closing at 10.30pm. People will be asked to leave quietly and there would be signs around the site. The site has planning permission for 43 lodges, 72 static caravan pitches and 67 touring caravan pithces.
In response to questions from Mr Kelly regarding managing the customers, noise levels and the anti-social behaviour the applicant advised that there was no evidence to support the Mr Kelly’s concerns. He advised the facility is a restaurant and not a pub and that any anti-social behaviour will be managed by the staff and people will be asked to leave. The police licensing officer had no objections to the application. There would be signs around the site regarding noise levels. He stated that this was not a night club. In response to the solicitor’s question regarding whether regular entertainment or dicos would be provided, Mr Williams stated they would not be having this type of entertainment in the restaurant.
Mr Kelly in his statement to the Sub-Committee said that the scale of the development had been misrepresented and this would lead to noise and disruption in the area. He considered that with 180 pitches there could be 400 people on site and a few signs around the site asking people to keep noise levels down would not quell human nature, when alcohol was consumed. He stated that the site was in a natural bowl, which affects the acoustics and so makes noise audible and disruptive across the valley. He was concerned that the application was for a licence which allowed drinking and playing music all day, which was not appropriate for the valley.
In response to a question regarding the landscape Mr Kelly advised that the valley was parabolic in nature which focusses the sound.
In summing up Mr Kelly stated that he did not believe that the applicant had a sufficiently robust plan for the management of noise and anti-social behaviour which would result from an all day alcohol licence.
In summing up the applicant stated that they were experienced in running a business which dealt with large numbers of people. The complex was for a 5* holiday complex with a fine dining restaurant and bar.