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No. | Item |
Application for premises licence |
Sub-Committee procedures To receive introductions by the Chair and an explanation of the Sub-Committee’s procedures by the Principal Solicitor. Minutes: The Chair introduced the Sub-Committee and its Clerk.
The Clerk to the Sub-Committee explained the procedures to be followed by the Sub-Committee.
Application for a licence To consider an application for a licence from the River Wye Activity Centre, Glasbury. Additional documents:
Minutes: Premises – River Wye Activity Centre, Glasbury Applicant – Mr L Head, Manager and Mr R Finley, Managing Director Objector – Mr T Scanlan
The Licensing Officer presented the licensing authority’s position as outlined in the report [copy filed with the signed minutes]. He advised that the Licensing section was happy with the consultation undertaken by the applicant.
Mr Head spoke on behalf of the applicant. He advised that CCTV was being installed and the camping pitches were being moved further away from the surrounding houses. In respect of concerns raised about alcohol on the site he confirmed that when outdoor education camps for children are on site, no alcohol is sold on the site. He also advised that the use of drugs on site would not be tolerated. In response to questions regarding unsocial behaviour, he advised that extra toilet and shower facilities were being installed. He advised that Environmental Health had attended the site and had monitored it when a large group was on site and no concerns had been raised. In respect of a question about staff training, Mr Finley advised that although many staff had previously worked at other licenced premises, at the start of a new season all staff complete licensing training. Mr Head confirmed that the site operates a “quiet after 10pm policy”. This is referred to on the booking system and the duty staff who patrol the site will remind people of the policy and if people cause serious noise, they would be asked to leave.
Mr Scanlan raised concerns about noise levels during 2019/20, the number of people staying at the site at any one time and parking in the surrounding area. He also asked the applicant to consider more planting and fencing to reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding houses, to install a lock on the side access gate onto the site after 7pm each evening, so only site users could use this access and asked for more engagement with the local community. In response, Mr Finley stated that the number of users on site at any one time was being reduced and the long-term plan was to do away with mass camping. He advised that they were looking at how to create parking on site to reduce the pressures on the village and trees were being planted to create a sound barrier and they would implement his suggestion about the side gate. Mr Finley and Mr Head noted Mr Scanlan’s concerns and acknowledged that communication with the local community could be improved and Mr Head advised that their plans for the site over the next five years was available on their website.
The Licensing Officer advised that the information from the police had been included in the agenda as there was a vast difference between what objectors and the applicant were saying.
All parties confirmed that they had been able to make their representations.
The Sub-Committee withdrew to consider, in private, the application and the evidence they had ... view the full minutes text for item 1.b |