Venue: Hybrid meeting - Teams - County Hall. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies |
Exempt Items The Monitoring Officer has determined that category 1 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules applies to the following item. His view on the public interest test (having taken account of the provisions of Rule 14.8 of the Council’s Access to Information Rules) was that to make this information public would disclose personal data relating to an individual in contravention of the principles of the Data Protection Act. Because of this and since there did not appear to be an overwhelming public interest requiring the disclosure of personal data he felt that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Members are asked to consider these factors when determining the public interest test, which they must decide when considering excluding the public from this part of the meeting.
Minutes: RESOLVED to exclude the public for the following item of business on the grounds that there would be disclosure to them of exempt information under category 1 of The Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007).
Interviews for the post of Head of School Improvement and Learning To interview candidates for the post of Head of School Improvement and Learning and to determine whether to make an appointment. Candidates’ details will be sent to you directly by email. Minutes: Following interviews, it was
RESOLVED to appoint Anwen Orrells as Head of School Improvement and Learning. |
Interviews for the post of Head of Business Intelligence and Governance To interview candidates for the post of Head of Business Intelligence and Governance and to determine whether to make an appointment. Candidates’ details will be sent to you directly by email.
Minutes: Following intertervies, it was
RESOLVED to appoint Catherine James as Head of Business Intelligence and Governance. |
Interviews for the post of Head of Transforming Education To interview candidates for the post of Head of Transforming Education and to determine whether to make an appointment. Candidates’ details will be sent to you directly by email.
Minutes: Following interviews it was
RESOLVED to appoint Marianne Evans as Head of Transforming Education. |